Top 99+ Best Digital Marketing Questions And Answers

Digital marketing interview questions and answers

Best Digital Marketing Questions

Any job selection depends on interview questions and answers. Are you thinking of making a career in digital marketing and preparing for an interview then here we have the best digital marketing questions and answers for interview. These best digital marketing questions are useful for fresher and as well as professionals.

As we know how in some time the world becoming like digital. Nowadays you can see that people prefer doing their work digitally because it secure and fast. Digital marketing is one of the best parts of online business which is growing very fast in the world. In the future there are so many opportunities in digital marketing, are you thinking of making your career in digital marketing then it is a good decision for you.

Here we have 4 categories for best digital marketing questions:

1.      Basic Knowledge

2.      In-depth Question

3.      Psychological Question

4.      Technical Question

Let’s start with the basic knowledge of Digital Marketing.

Also Check:

What is Digital Marketing|Digital Marketing Course

What is SEO

Basic Knowledge Questions

Question: What is Digital Marketing?

Answer: Digital Marketing is a tactic of promoting your product using digital technologies on the internet, through mobile, emails, or other any medium. In other words, we can say that in Digital Marketing we promoting any product through the internet or in a digital way.

Question: What are the types of digital marketing?

Answer: There are many types of digital marketing; some are:

1.      SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

2.      PPC (Paid per click)

3.      SMM (social media marketing)

4.      Content marketing

5.      Affiliate marketing

6.      Influencer marketing

7.      Email marketing

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO is the process to rank up your site or blog by gaining organic traffic. We have two types of SEO, OnPage SEO, and OffPage SEO.

PPC (pay per click)

pay per click is an advertising model in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked.

SMM (Social Media Marketing):

It’s a technique or a type of internet marketing in which a product promote over social media.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing is a way of marketing in which focused on creating, publishing, and distributing content for a targeted audience online.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing that is commission-based. In affiliated marketing, the user marketing the product and gets a commission for that. Nowadays affiliate marketing is the best option for those people whose blog is not approved for Google AdSense.

Influencer marketing:

It is also a part of digital marketing. Influencer marketing involves marketing products and services to those who have a huge amount of crowd like any celebrities.

Email marketing:

Like the name, email marketing is a way to promote a product or brand over the internet by email or we can say that promoting a product or brand by email is known as email marketing.

Question: What are the advantages of digital marketing?

Answer: Advantages of digital marketing are given below:

1.     Easy to share

2.     Low cost

3.     Easy to measure

4.     High return on investment

5.     Easy to target

Question: What are the types of SEO?

Answer: There are 3 types of SEO which are Technical SEO, OnPage SEO, and OffPageSEO.

Technical SEO means that your website is fully technically supported to search engines and there is no problem with indexing and crawling.

We have to need OnPage SEO for every blog or article. OnPage SEO refers to all those things which we can do on our website so that it can be easily rank on the search engines. These include the page title, metadata, keywords, and description.

OffPage SEO refers to all those things which we can do outside to our website and rank up our site through the back links like social networking, article submission.

Question: List of bookmarking sites?

Answer: A list of bookmarking sites are given below:

  • Reddit
  • Stumbleupon
  • Weheartit
  • Digg
  • Slashdot
  • Pocket
  • Bizsugar

Question: Top 5 article submission sites?

Answer: The list is given below:


Question: What are the Black hat technique, Gray hat technique, and White hat technique?

Answer: Doing SEO of any site or article there are some rules or guidelines of a search engine by looking at that guidelines, the search engine decides which site to rank and which not to.  We have 3 types of techniques by which we can rank up our site.

White hat technique: If anyone follows all the guidelines of a search engine then it is known as the white hat technique.

Gray hat technique: If anyone does not follow all the guidelines of a search engine then it is known as a gray hat technique.

Black hat technique: If anyone does not follow any type of guidelines of a search engine then it is known as the black hat technique.

Question: What are Indexing and Crawling?

Answer: Indexing and Crawling both are main for any website or blog because without indexing and crawling our site could not be seen on search engines.

Crawling means that Google’s bots will come to your website and check all the content on your page. We can say that checking your website for tracking purposes by Google’s crawler named spider is known as crawling.

If your site is visible on Google Search Engine that’s mean your site is an index on Google Search Result. In other words, we can say that indexing means that your site is on Google search engine or we can say that the process of indexing your site on Google search engine is known as indexing. Or we can say that the process of index your site to the search engine so that your site is visible on a search engine is known as indexing.

Question: What are Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml? 

Answer: Robots.txt files are located in the root directory of websites (ex. and suggest which parts of your site search engines should and shouldn't crawl, as well as the speed at which they crawl your site, via specific robots.txt directives.

Sitemap.xml: It’s an XML file, which tells how many URLs or webpage are on your website. The purpose of sitemap.xml is to make the search method easy and less time-consuming. In a sitemap there are three tags which are <loc>, <lastmod> and <priority>.

Question: What are the techniques of OnPage SEO?

Answer: There are some techniques of OnPage SEO, which are given below:

Page Titles: Your page titles are one of the most important SEO factors on your site. The title of your page is unique and catchy.

Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions is another main part of SEO. Your Meta descriptions should be clear about your topic or website meAnswer by reading your Meta description user clearly understood that what your site or blog is about.

Meta Tags: Meta tags are the tags that provide the information about the HTML document like keywords, author name, last modified date, and other metadata.

URL Structure: URL structure is also a very effective role in OnPage SEO. A URL is a set of the protocol which includes the domain name, path, and query string of your site.

Body Tags: The structure of a page is known as body tags, a page consists of headings like (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.), text, images, and URLs.

Keyword Density: A website or a blog can consist of more than one keyword and the density of the keywords are very important for OnPage SEO. Keywords density means how many times you use the specific keyword on a webpage. A keyword can be affected by the rank of your website or blog, so it’s very important to check the density of keywords in your article.

Image SEO: In OnPage SEO image is also keep an important role, your image should be matched to your text, the quality of the image should be good, the image size should not be too big, and use an alt tag for your image.

Internal Linking: Internal links can enhance the rank of your site or blog. You can use internal links on your site but remember that the internal link should be related to your post.

Question: What is PPC?

AnswerPPC (pay-per-click) is also known as CPC (cost per click), is an internet advertising model in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ads are clicked. We can say that PPC is a click on the based process in which whenever there is a click on ads you got some money from the advertiser.

Question: What is keyword research and what is the importance of this in SEO?

Answer: Keyword research is a process of searching a relevant and useful keyword that has the highest CPC and search in the highest search volume. The Importance of keyword research is very important in SEO because a suitable keyword helps you to rank up your site or blog. If you choose the wrong keyword then it can happen that if you can earn 10,000 $ by choosing the wrong keyword you miss the chance to get 10,000$. So Keyword research is very important in SEO.

Question: What is Google Trends and how can it help in SEO?

Answer: Google Trends is a website that does Google’s data analysis and helps us to find out the trending keywords. You can select the keywords in a specific country. With the help of Google Trends, you can select the topic that is trending and trending keywords helps us to rank up your website or blog.

Some Best Digital Marketing Questions

Question: What are Remarketing and AMP?

Answer: Remarketing is a tactic that shows the ads to the people who are already checking your site or mobile app. This tactic is very low cost because in this tactic we target people who already show their interest in your site or product. In simple words, marketing once more after marketing is called Remarketing.

AMP extends for Accelerated Mobile Page, a web component framework and a website publishing technology developed by Google which aims to provide a user first format for web content. AMP helps to open a website quickly on mobile phones, it reduces the load time of the website. For this, you need to install a plugin named AMP on your site for installing this site open quickly in mobiles.

Question: What is anchor text and how can we use it?

Answer: Anchor text is a text which is clickable and we also known as hyperlinks.Example: <a href="">Example Anchor Text</a>
In the above example, there are two parts one is the target link and the other is anchor text.

Question: What are the types of anchor text?

Answer: exact match, partial match, branded, naked link, generic, and images.

Question: What is the difference between directory submission and article submission?

Answer: Directory Submission and Article Submission both are used for creating backlinks but apply the method of both are different in Directory Submission we submit only website URL, short description, meta keywords and submit it to the directory submission sites and in another way in article submission, we submit the whole article with detailed information.

Question: What is Forum submission?

Answer: It is a digital way to discuss our topics, in Forum submission a person asked a question online and get a suggestion after a discussion like Quora answering. Quora answering is also known as Forum submission. 

In-depth Best Digital Marketing Questions

Question: What are the methods to do OnPage SEO?

Answer: Here we have some methods by which we can rank up our sites:

1.         Publish high-quality content

2.         Optimize page titles and meta descriptions

3.         Optimize page content

4.         Headings and content formatting

5.         SEO Images and other multimedia elements

6.         URL optimization

7.         Internal links

8.         External links

Question: What is Index SEO?

Answer: Getting or collecting web pages by search engine and store in its database is known as Indexing.

Question: What is the use of heading in SEO?

Answer: Heading helps the search engine to understand the text. With the help of heading, search engines know which part of the content is important and how they are interconnected. Mostly H1, H2, and H3 are used in the header.

Question: What do you mean by keyword density and frequency?

Answer: As we know the importance of keywords in SEO. Regarding keyword, we have to terms for keyword- keywords density and keywords frequency. Keyword density is the main part of search engine optimization. Keywords density means how many times you use the specific keyword on a webpage. Density min-1%, max-2% -means in 1000 words the density is 10 for min.

Keywords frequency means how many times a word is repeated in a webpage. Let’s understand both things with the help of the below example:

Suppose there is an article with 1000 words and the keywords is XYZ the according to the density rule the density of the keyword will be 1% which is 10 in which the synonyms of the keyword XYZ is also counted and if we talk about the frequency of the keyword then if the occurrence of the keywords XYZ is 5 times then the frequency will be 5.

Question: What is the alt tag and what is the use of this alt tag?

Answer: The alt tag is an attribute that provides the image definition when your image is not open. For example, if you search an image on the search engine and the image could not be open at that time but when you take your cursor on the image the text appeared on that place that text appeared with the help of an alt tag. In other words, we can say that the facility of providing text whenever your image does not appear on the search engine is known as an alt tag.

Question: What are backlinks and why we need them?

Answer: Backlinks are the links that directly represent your site or blog. Backlinks are important for SEO because search engines especially Google give more credit to a website that has a good number of quality backlinks. It shows that the website is more relevant to other sites.

We can create a backlink for our site in a given manner: by using an infographic, build internal links, write a testimonial, and contact journalists and important bloggers.

Question: What is directory submission and why it is used?

Answer: In SEO, directory submission is a process of submitting your website URL on other business directories to create backlinks. Backlinks help to improve the ranking of our sites. There are many sites where you can easily submit your website URL and create a backlink for your site.

Question: What is OffPage and describe 5 techniques of Off-Page?

Answer: OffPage is another technique of SEO, off-page mean action perform outside of your site to increase your site rank is known as OffPage SEO. By using OffPage SEO, we can improve our site rank. OffPage includes creating backlinks and promoting your site on social media.

5 techniques of OffPage SEO:

1.     Influencer outreach

2.     Social media engagement

3.     Forum submission

4.     Article submission

5.     Blog directory submission

Question: Which is better SEO or PPC?

Answer: Both are best but you need to understand the difference between them and also understand that which is best for you. Both have their own benefits like SEO is good but it consumes time while PPC is quick and result-oriented.

SEO has some limitations like:

1.     Slow process and take time.

2.     It may happen that at night your site is on top but next day morning your site’s rank falls down and you have to answer to your boss.

PPC has its own advantages:

1.     It’s quick and result oriented.

2.     It’s work on ROI (return on investment) approach.

Question: What are bad backlinks and how can we identify bad backlinks?

Answer: Unwanted or unrelated links in your sites is known as bad backlinks. For example, you have a wish site and you insert a general knowledge site’s link in your site which is an unrelated link so this link is known as bad backlinks for your site.

To find bad backlinks there are many tools like SEO audit tool, small SEO tool and you can also check by which help we can easily find out the bad backlinks and remove them.

Question: What are no-follow and do-follow?

Answer: Nofollow and do follow both are backlinks that are used on the website in different ways. Do-follow backlink allows permission to the bots to access the site information and no-follow backlinks do not allow permission to the bots to access the site.

Question: What is a social media audit?

Answer: In the social media audit, we Evaluating and optimizing our business page. In a social media audit, we have to follow some steps like the accuracy of your page means your address, branding, contact details, like the post, and types of posts.

Question: What is a lookalike audience?

Answer: lookalike means resemble others, in other words, we can say that the same type of audience is known as a lookalike audience. In SEO lookalike option is used for showing the ads to a similar audience.

Question: What are Reach and Impression?

Answer: Reach means how many people saw your content. The impression is the number of times your content is displayed, does not matter it was clicked or not. Reach always less than impressions.

Question: What are CTR and CPC and what is the relation between both?

Answer: CTR (Click-through rate) is a ratio of the total number of user who visits the page and the total number of click on the specific link, page, email, advertisement, and campaign.

CPC (Cost-Per-Click) is also known as PPC (Paid-Per-Click) is a tactic of online advertising in which an advertiser pays a publisher whenever there is a click on the advertisement or a link.

Note: Relationship between CTR and CPC: CTR high than CPC low.

Question: Define hard bounce and soft bounce in email marketing?

Answer: When an email is rejected by any server that’s known as email bounce. There are two types of bounce for email one is hard to bounce and the second is soft bounce.

In the hard bounce, email is not delivering to the server for any permanent reason. The  reason may be:

1.     The recipient's email address does not exist.

2.     The Domain name does not exist.

3.       The recipient email server has blocked delivery.

Soft bounce indicates a temporary error or issues like:

1.     The inbox is full.

2.     Server down.

3.     An email message is too lengthy. 

Question: Tell us the 5 best tools that you use for digital marketing?

Answer: The best 5 tools for digital marketing are:

1.     Keyword research tool

2.     Photoshop

3.     Social media platforms

4.     Email marketing tools

5.     Google analytic 

Question: How can you measure SEO success?

Answer: We can measure SEO success with the below points:

1.       By Keyword ranking

2.       Organic traffic

3.       The bounce rate of your site

4.       CTR

5.       By ROAS (Return on Ads Spend)

6.       By PPC

Question: How can you handle or maintain your client’s social media?

Answer: We can manage our client social media by following given points:

1.     Schedule post in advanced

2.     Allocate proper duties

3.     Make campaign

4.     Page creation 

Question: Tell me the best plugin for a website?

Answer: The best plugins for a website are:

1.     Yoast Plugin

2.     WP-Rocket

3.      Jetpack

4.      Akismet

5.     Social snap

6.     Contact Form 7

7.     Google analytics

8.     Category Post

9.      Same Category Post

10.   Wordfence

Psychological Questions

The purpose of the psychological question is the one and the only one which is that he wants to know about how long he/she will work with the company. So let's start with the question and answers.

Question: Why are you being a digital marketer?

Answer: I choose digital marketing because in digital marketing we have many opportunities to grow. This is the field that is never down, every company needs marketing to promote their product, and nowadays digital marketing is the best way to promote a product all over the world.

Question: What is the biggest challenge for you in digital marketing?

Answer:  Every person has their own challenges which he/she faced in digital marketing. So, tell him your own challenge which you faced.

Question: Which is your preferred field in digital marketing?

Answer: You can say SEO, SMO, SMM, and SEM are your preferred field.

Question: In the next 5 years, where do you see yourself?

Answer: The answer to this question will be something like this: sir, in the next 5 years, I would have learned a lot about the business (digital marketing) and may have been promoting or maybe I’ll start my own business as well.

Question: How to update yourself in digital marketing?

Answer: For this question, you can say I update myself in digital marketing by watching YouTube or by searching on the internet.

Question: What salary you expect and why should I hire you?

Answer: If the interviewer asks you this question, then understand that you almost qualified for the interview but if you are going for an interview then please check the pay scale for the post over the net. basically in small cities and for fresher companies gave 8-10 thousand to the fresher.

Best Technical Digital Marketing Questions

Now the last type of question begins which is technical questions, so let's start:

Question: What is KPI?

Answer: KPI refers to key performing indicators, in KPI companies should also review their strategies and objective regularly, make the necessary adjustments. In KPI companies set their goals.

Question: What is SSL?

Answer:  SSL extends for Secure Sockets Layer, which is a standard security technology for establishing a connection between a website and a  browser in an encrypted format. We can say that SSL is a website certificate that shows a website is secure or not. When you open a website you have seen HTTP and HTTP in the URL which shows website security. HTTPS means the website is secure or Http shows that the website is not secure. We have mainly three types of SSL, Which  shows in the given figure:

Question: How can you know the user experience?

Answer: We can know the user experience about the site by Checking bounce rate timing and by checking user reviews.

Question: What are ads extensions? How many types of ads extension we have?

Answer: Ads extensions are part of PPC or Google Advert. Ads extension means that extension that is attached to your ads. There are many types of ads extension like lead generation, increase view on your site, and traffic generation or increase conversion rate. We can say that what action you want to perform with your ads when someone or any viewer/user visits your site or page is known as an ad extension.

Question: How can we check broken links on our site?

Answer: There are so many links in any website or any webpage in which some links are broken which is called Broken links. Broken link in any site is not good, they affect the efficiency of the site. So it's necessary that we identify the broken links and remove or fix them. But how can we identify a broken link? We can identify broken links using online tools and manually checking.

We use manually checking when there are a bit amount of links in a site but if there are so many links in a site then we have to use online tools like Google webmaster tool, Dead link checker, and Ahref Broken link checker.

Question: What is the Canonical Tag?

Answer: By using Canonical tag we fix the duplicate URLs of your website or blog. If you did not remove the duplicate URLs of your sites then Google bots treat them as different URLs and confused many times. Duplicate URLs mean that if someone writes,,, and, then under all these conditions, all URLs points to the same page. The solution to this problem is Canonical tag. Please Like, Share and Comments
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What is SEO

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Topic covered: best digital marketing questions, digital marketing questions and answer, what is digital marketing, what is SEO.